Advertise your business in one of our self-serve carwash bays:
>>Order your full color 6’ x 2’ sign in one of our self-serve bays for six months, only $300. $50 a month after the first six months. Great for promoting your business! Get exposure and reach a wider audience as people take their time washing their vehicles, and reading your advertisement.
>>Contact us for more details at or (772) 567-4645.
Disclaimer: Price includes advertising and printing, design services not included. If you prefer, Minuteman Press can create your graphics at an additional charge. Please call for a price estimate. Artwork must be submitted at time of purchase. Supplied files must be created to size (6’ x 2’) with bleeds when necessary. Files must be in any of the following formats: Adobe PDF (with fonts embedded), EPS (with all fonts created to curves), .tif or .jpg (150-300 DPI for best print). Additional charges will apply for design, typesetting, scans and proofing. Consult your customer service representative for details.